Soul Body Connect

“Dear One, Have You Had Any Dreams Lately?”

Remember that time when my DREAM showed me how to navigate a particularly tough situation?

Oh wait – did I not tell you about that?

I was agonizing over a particular predicament I found myself in. I mean, I was allllll twisted up inside, deeply depressed about it, and afraid of picking up the phone to have conversations I really did not want to have with particular people. It just wasn’t working out the way I had wanted, the way I had planned, or the way I so needed it to work out! Ever feel like that?

The sitch: I wanted to be a part of a retreat that I had helped to organize and host. I mean, I was bringing a whole group of people to MY town, MY special spot to share with these very special people.  I wanted to host them and introduce them to this particular place that means so much to me, so they could have an experience that I helped curate and get that warm fuzzy feeling inside when they think of it. (Notice how my ego was running this storyline?) Unfortunately, another opportunity that I had already invested financially in created a huge schedule conflict for me. It was out of my control.  The dates were set and I couldn’t do anything about it! The opportunity I had with my investment in my own business needed to take priority and I knew it, and it was so, so, so very difficult for me to stand in that truth. Try as I might, I just could not be in two places at once – Virginia, and Colorado. 

I felt broken.

I felt I was letting some very special people down.

I felt I was being unreliable.

It was out of my control, and I was about to disappoint people who were important to me.

Ego, ego, ego…

I was on the phone with my Dear Friend, Soul Mother, Divine Confidant and Midwife of Spiritual Pathways, Diana McKendree. I was in tears and letting down to her, telling her all about this awful situation I found myself in. I knew I could trust her guidance. You know what she said?

“My Dear One (I love it when she calls me that), have you had any dreams lately?”

Stunned, and instantly pulled out of my chaos of emotion, I had to think for a minute.  Wait – have I? Have I had any dreams lately? I sat quietly for a bit as I redirected my brain. I couldn’t even remember what I had for breakfast that morning! I sat in uncomfortable spot, needing some kind of answer for her. I took a deep breath, and then, it came rushing in. The visions were clear, and as I began remembering, I shared with her this recurring dream I had been having in the most recent weeks. And as I recounted the dream, she would inquire a little deeper. She wasn’t telling me anything. She was pulling out of me what my subconscious had already been sharing with me – only I didn’t know how to listen, how to interpret, how to allow this dream to have meaning in my real world as an awake human being. And, the fact that I had had this dream more than once was another matter. It was important! My dream – my subconscious – was begging for my immediate attention!

Diana helped me unpack the wisdom in this dream, and it made all the difference in my real life situation. Instead of feeling handicapped by my conflict, I felt empowered in my capacity to claim responsibility in a new way. Instead of feeling the guilt and the weight of disappointing others – which was totally self imposed – I felt the strength of my own voice making informed decisions in what I knew was true.  All the emotion I had been running with was diffused.  I was solid.  I had a new foundation from which to create the experience I wanted to live into.

It was the most incredible thing!

Within the hour I called the others and shared my conflict, and therefore the decisions and choices I was making around it. There was no disappointment or judgment or feeling of agony – only mutual understanding and growth. And because of that, I could move on to the areas of my life that needed attention next. It was so clear, and so clean once I was in alignment with it!

Diana is a special friend indeed, and one I can’t keep to myself! I love her so much, and I love what she DOES so much, that I simply MUST share her with you too!

Dear One… have you had any dreams lately?

Diana McKendree

Diana and I are teaming up and offering a retreat for you this Spring! Wanna come?!?!  April 26-28th we will unfold together in Asheville, NC at The OM Sanctuary (OMG it’s beautiful y’all!) for our Dream Into Being! Retreat. We’ll spend an entire weekend unpacking our dreams together, learning about the symbology and meanings of different pieces of our dreams, and how to listen deeply to any messages our dreamworld has to share with us. Encoded in the language of the soul (imagery), your dreams hold key directions to healing and wholeness. Dream work and Psychotherapy can help you to know and care for yourself better by bringing unconscious values and beliefs into consciousness. Gaining deeper insight into who you really are and what you really feel in the presence of others of like mind and orientation, can open new paths of transforming self-defeating patterns from your past, and strengthening hope for your future. With support and if necessary guidance, you will embark on a journey of supporting your true capacity for meaningful living and relating. We must give body permission to “speak”. We will explore the energy related to dream images held within the body, through subtle and active movement, music and reflection. Wholeness is possible only when body, mind and spirit are in balance. There will be lots of time for questions and you will be given instruction before the retreat even starts on activating your dreams so that you come ready to go deeper. We promise your inner voice will be heard in new ways, so that you can step into your life more confidently. 

OM Sanctuary, Asheville, NC

Did I mention how beautiful the OM Sanctuary is? During your visit you have the opportunity to experience cell phone free common areas, access the wellness center, hike the woodland trail, enjoy the gardens and waterfall within a nurturing, supportive community. This 54-acre destination mountain retreat center is tucked away just minutes from downtown Asheville, NC.  This carefully curated retreat center boasts exquisite single and double occupancy bedrooms, each with a cozy gas fireplace, a wellness center complete with a spa, and even a labyrinth to enjoy some quiet time for inward reflection. I am so excited y’all! Please join us!  

If you have always been interested in learning about your dreams but struggle to remember them – this retreat is for you…

If you are an avid dreamer and regularly journal about your dream life – this retreat is for you… 

If you have a particular dream that you have held onto and desire to know more about it’s meaning – this retreat is for you!!!  

There is limited space in order to create a sense of intimacy among us that gather, and the early bird pricing is only available until January 15th! What a great Holiday gift to ask for! So please sign up ASAP by following this link to register! 

This is gonna be sooooo gooooood… 

Diana McKendree is a powerful package all bundled up in a warm coat with a handmade shawl or an eclectic woven scarf wrapped around her shoulders. Her bright green eyes are always looking straight through you, but in a way that invites warmth, acceptance, openness, and so much love. Diana’s passion is working with creativity through the dream, images, the body and all manner of material. This has led her to explore a wide variety of professions – from fashion to psychology. Trained as a Jungian psychotherapist, Diana is a skilled educator, an international keynote speaker, consultant, leader of pilgrimages and an iconographer. As a senior faculty member with the Haden Institute since 1998, teaching Spiritual Direction and Dream work, Diana has deepened her passion for the integration of the unconscious into body and life, embracing the true teachings of Christianity’s Wisdom tradition. Ordained an Interfaith Minister, Diana continues to search for the common threads that weave humanity and soul together.

So Dreamer, won’t you join us on this ride? I’m sure you have questions! I do hope you will ask them in the comments below, or shoot me an email. What are you dreaming about these days?  Are you dreaming? Interested in dreaming? Grab your spot on our retreat in Asheville sooner than later! How about now?

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